Nilam and the thoughts about the end of the world

Its 5:13 PM of first day of November in 2012. Its raining since two days now.
(Irrelevant :As I am getting bored I thought I would give and idea of Rupesh's script then it struck me lemme put it in my blog first :P
My balcony was flooded with water and it was about to seep inside the bedroom, so I though I would get it cleaned.)

By the time you will read it the earth's structure might have changed coz of Sandy's and Nilam's wedding
as they (The Unnamed) arrive in their spaceships. As it was destined for them to arrive here on earth again.

It all starts with hurricanes and storms, then they pick someone and come in his dream and tell him to make an arc where they can save the DNAs of all types, well most of the types of species in it so that when it will eventually be flooded one family of all the species can survive to start a new race.

It's so smart of them to save the best of the bests and make something better than them (Human Beings), like an improvised software version. It's all in the genes and the DNA, large storage area as they get and start taking a backup of the information in that. they feed the backup of the old technologies and include some new ones and then finally make an improved species of homo sapiens. Probably they will name it something else e.g. HOMO-SAPIENS V2. 

Anyways talking about the storms and the hurricanes like Sandy and Nilam happening just a month before the Mayan Calendar is ending. It raises everyone's eyebrows and a chilling thought crosses the mind that yes its the time for the world to end again and start a fresh. Will it be easy for them (The Unnamed) to just wipe out humanity and start something new. Will it be as easy as we have forgotten DOS and living in an era of MAC OS and Windows 7. So called eradicated technologies and which are of no use. 

I see the events on Facebook for 21st December 2012 (apparently the world's end) saying "Are you attending??" Yes of course, where else will I go if not earth, coz we are yet to be sure that if by chance the flood comes again whether we can just jump on to another planet like Mars or maybe our Moon or not.

On the other hand, if we are really going to be eradicated from this planet we might as well figure out a portal to travel faster in the space to some other galaxy. Maybe through a worm-hole or something. Probably they will just clean our planet and make us more efficient species and more technologically advanced as we were in the prehistoric times when we had all the astras e.g. Brahmastra and the vimanas e.g. garuda and vayuvimana  etc. which were technologically more advanced than present day's air-crafts and the nuclear weapons as per my thought. They will give us more power to use our brains and our vestigial organs will vanish and we would be able to utilize our body parts better.

Leaving everything aside getting back to the point from where I started. So, Nilam and Sandy are causing a lot of destruction, people are dying, the roads are blocked the airports are flooded. It's the god's way of cleaning up the population. Whenever in the history there was a population outbreak there was a natural calamity to reduce the number or completely finish off the whole civilizations. So do we take this as a beginning of that "Act of God" for clean up or it's just another storm which eventually will fade away and everything will come back to normal. Or maybe the definition of the word normal will change and it will be something entirely new age of human race where we will have super powers and amazing aerodynamic machinery with roads in the air and there will be no traffic jams.

All we can do is wait and watch everything like a Sci-Fi movie and enjoy living our days with umbrellas and rain-coats till its pouring. Enjoy the weather with hot cups of tea and spicy pakoras and hope for no big harm to human race. Coz its just the end of Mayan Calendar and not the end of the world.


Rupesh Mishra said…
"Ancient Aliens" is working well as I can see from your blog. Nice work Miss Basu....May be one day we can sit together and make an unbelievable Sci-Fi script ever written by anyone. Fingers-Crossed.
Sunanda said…
awesome idea dude....y not..we have brains and artists and now we have a video camera also :)
Rupesh Mishra said…
I think we would need creative team to work on it. Such ideas many writers have, but to bring into action and make it a world class movie, a wonderful creative and dedicated team is required. Bring in ur friends whoever is creative enough and can work along with you and me, sure we would make it large.

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