Nilam and the thoughts about the end of the world

Its 5:13 PM of first day of November in 2012. Its raining since two days now. (Irrelevant :As I am getting bored I thought I would give and idea of Rupesh's script then it struck me lemme put it in my blog first :P My balcony was flooded with water and it was about to seep inside the bedroom, so I though I would get it cleaned.) By the time you will read it the earth's structure might have changed coz of Sandy's and Nilam's wedding as they (The Unnamed) arrive in their spaceships. As it was destined for them to arrive here on earth again. It all starts with hurricanes and storms, then they pick someone and come in his dream and tell him to make an arc where they can save the DNAs of all types, well most of the types of species in it so that when it will eventually be flooded one family of all the species can survive to start a new race. It's so smart of them to save the best of the bests and make something better than them (Human Beings), like an impr...