
i am scared of exams, well who isn't. when i was a kid i used to think why don't we kill the person who actually have invented the exams. but then i thought it won't be any good coz it wont change the sytem and neither it would change the tradition of taking exams. coz even when Einstein died the invention of a "light" din vanish it actually scares me...yes it does n feel who doesn't get scared of examinations. but it actually is away to know how well you have learnt what u have studied. even now wen i am nearing my thirties i get hell scared when i get to know that i have an exam after a week. i am usually not a quitter but exams scare the hell outta me, and it happened when i stopped my dance classes last year just after i got my exam dates :p funny isn't it. yes its funny and its sad, coz then i realized i have actually learnt quite well and just coz i am scared i am giving up on it, right then i had a ligament fracture and i couldn't go for the classes and afterwards the school had shut down. don't regret it completely but sometimes i feel bad coz i gave myself n number of reasons why i was quitting, but the truth was lying inside me...i was a scared lil kid who din wanna give exams..soon i realized that its not only the things you learn you are being tested on, life teaches you lessons everyday every moment, and life tests you every now and then. i steeped back and took a look at the bigger picture and realized its not really and exam where i am gonna be marked  or scored or ranked, its just the way to see how i implement my learning in my day to day life. its jus the way to see how well i can make my life look if i actually learn from my deeds. so then i realized the purpose of being tested. If i am making the same mistakes again and again i will have to face consequences for myself. No one will give me chance to rewrite my life. if i am getting hurt by doing something next time i should be alert enough not to make the same is take again. But i think life is kindda funny it makes you do the same mistakes again and then getting hurt. does that mean i am failing in the exams which i am taking or does it mean i don't wanna learn anything. i feel someone up there is conspiring against me and not letting me gather so much courage to fight against my mistakes and help me learn better. i am sure that's not true coz wat i learn is by wat i do and if i want i can make it or break it. well, as they say its easier said than done..but not impossible. Its like the two phrases fighting with each other "Nobody is perfect " and " Practice makes a man Perfect". but these two phrases are like exams. you will have to
keep practicing till you are perfect but perfection is imaginary so you keep working hard till you get on the top of others. at least to make you feel good relatively. So all said and done still if you ask a kid are you prepared for the exam tomorrow you will be able to see a frightened face saying i still have to study some more to be perfect. I think even i grow up and nearing the end of my life no feeling can give me the courage to write the exams..


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