anger and choices

sometimes life becomes so difficult, then we feel like giving up. sometimes situations make us agitated and angry, and anger makes situations worse. we cry we shout...we break things..we start making foolish decisions..and we don't realize when we are angry we sometimes tend to say somethings which can hurt others. but it so happens that our close ones, our friends they are the ones who make us angry. specially the ones who are the closest creates maximum anger inside us. we feel that can't we be ourselves in front of them and thats why we shout thats why we get is so unpredictable that the ones who you think will be always with you are the ones who leave you right at the moment when you need them the most. the situation of giving up comes when you know everything is ruined and you know that this broken glass cannot be put together or glued together again. you know that if someone is gone he or she is gone forever...if the relation is broken you can never mend it. and it doesn't happen suddenly in a day or so..every thing takes time and you realize it that its gonna happen but still somehow you wanna hold on to it and never let it go...but once we learn to let go we feel happier...once we learn to forgive we feel peaceful...once we learn to forget...we can learn again...everyone has to face difficult times in their lives but even though one doesn't want to...some of us take it light and try to take it as it comes...but some really become weak and get crushed in those times...but ones who know how to get up and move on and try to forget or learn to live with it are the ones who we call as strong ones in life...but everybody hurts everybody cries...everyone takes their own time to handle situations in their own way...its just that some of us gets company to handle some are left alone...some have friends real friends and some don' is life...different...different all the time...same things never happen don't get those whom you have lost but surely you can find new is about how you wanna make it for can be strong alone or you can be strong with someone.....its all about choices you make decisions you take...emotions you have while taking those decisions....anger...or peace...its ones own choice...


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