Rising from the ashes

For everything in life which starts, there is an end and I believe that after every end there is a new start. So here ends my journey with Yahoo! and after one end I have got a new start with Amazon.com, a company, which is the largest in e-commerce, as they say 'the largest seller'. It's a good feeling that when one ends, the other always seems bigger and better. I will say let the time decide that for me. Here I stand in the middle of unknowns, a bunch of strangers with smile on their faces.They welcome me and now as I have to be a part of this, I have accepted the warm welcome. Everyone seems happy with their lives here, I do not see even a single soul who's stressed out, quite a similar feeling which I got when I had joined Yahoo!
I will say if you compress Yahoo! it will be amazon.
The first day experience was not so very exciting but calm and nice. A while ago, everything seemed wrong and shattered in life. I saw flames rising high and the Phoenix got burnt into ashes. For a while I thought its all over. But, then it rose again from the ashes and reborn anew to live again. My life is like the Phoenix. It comes to an end of an era and then starts all over again. The new life will have the experiences of the past life but with a tinge of freshness in it. There will be a lot of learning and implementation of past experiences. I hope to see all the goodness in the future and wanna grow like a leader. One who is fierce, yet good.